Sunday, April 29, 2012

5 months old!

Its Carrie Ella's 5 month birthday!  Where does the time go? 

Things she's doing:
Getting closer to sitting up on her own.  She's got some serious ab work going on these days.  She can lean forward grab a toy and push herself back upright (with a little support). 

She loves to stand and she still hasn't figured out the whole rolling over thing.  Last weekend she did roll from back to front (by accident).  When she's on her tummy she hasn't quite figured out how to use her hands to hold herself up.

She's eating like a champ. Although a lot of the food still ends up all over her face and down the front.  She gets VERY distracted when eating a bottle or breast.  Makes feeding quite difficult.  We bought her a high chair this week, she still has a bit of trouble holding herself up so we're still using the bumbo with tray. 

She LOVES her kitties.   She gets very exicited when they come around and reaches out to pet them.  The tail is of the greatest interest, she's still trying to figure out how to get a hold of it so she can put it in her mouth. 


She had some visitors this weekend. Aaron and Christie came in from Houston for a few days. They  were pretty impressed with CE. :-) 

We had a blast this weekend and Carrie Ella was great.  She did well despite us messing up her afternoon naps being out and about.  She also slept in until about 8:30 Saturday and Sunday morning which we very much appreciated!  I've said it before and I'll say it again.  We struck baby gold. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Loving her Sing-a-ma-jig

The first time she saw/heard this silly toy she belly laughed out loud. Now, just smiles! Such a great way to start the day!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Another beautiful spring weekend!

Wow!  Another beautiful weekend in the PNW!  This weekend the temps got close to 70.  After enduring so much gray, cold & wet its amazing to see the sun. It reminds me why we live here.  You cannot beat this place when the weather is nice! BEAUTIFUL!

Carrie Ella kept pretty busy this weekend. Friday evening she tried sweet potato for the first time. I'd say she liked it.

She is experimenting with her voice a lot these days.  She's a screamer!  She also likes to arch her back and throw her arms out.  I think she has a flare for the dramatic.

CE was in a great mood Saturday morning.  Must have been the sunshine coming in the windows!

Saturday afternoon we went for a walk in Magnusson Park.  She hung out in the Beco carrier and snoozed a bit.  This was our first visit to this park.  It's along Lake Washington and there's a spectacular view of Mt. Rainier. 

Saturday evening Sean grilled and we ate dinner in the backyard.  CE chewed on Sophie (the giraffe).

Sunday morning CE tried apple sauce for the first time and then we hung out in her room inspired by spring and cleaned her closet.  She hung out on the floor gabbing and screeching.

Saturday afternoon Sean mowed and I cleaned the house.  We breaked long enough to skype with Grandpa Tom & Grandma CeCe.

Tonight Sean's going to a tennis lesson and CE and I are going to visit our friend Barbara. 

Weekends go by so quickly, but life is good, so I won't complain. :-) Next weekend we have some of our favorites coming to visit from Houston, TX!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Our nanny is crazy

But in a really good way! :-) She was told it was possible to wear both girls in carriers at the same time. I guess it's true...

I'm not sure I want to know 1) how she got them each in and on, and 2) how she took a picture.

Mommy rocks!

Yeah she does!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Little Munchkin

At the suggestion of some folks in my PEPS group I'm starting a blog for Carrie Ella.  I can track what she's up to for anyone who's interested, but mostly so I have my own record of moments to look back on.  I snapped the photo below this morning.  The Biscuits onesie was a gift from the Rabasa family and today was the first time she wore it!  Of course she had a major blowout and its currently soaking in oxiclean.  Hopefully its salvageable :-) 

Things she's doing: screeching, babbling, grabbing her toes (and trying to get them to her mouth), trying to sit up when on her back, and eating oat cereal!

If your name is Carrie then you're a little munchkin, LITTLE MUNCHKIN! :-)