Sunday, July 29, 2012

8 months!

Can't believe Carrie Ella is 8 MONTHS OLD TODAY! 

What did she do today?

After a rocky night of sleep camping, she woke up all smiles.  She played on a blanket on the ground while we packed up camp.  On the drive back she crashed out and was very happy to get home.  Once there she was silly, loud and playful up until her 2nd nap. She chatted for nearly a half hour before she fell asleep.  We assumed she was telling her friends (Hoot, Bashful, Seahorse, Barbara & Mr. Bear) about how she slept OUTSIDE last night.  She carried on for quite sometime and then slept for nearly 3 hours.  
She woke up to Aunt Cynsie and Nene on skype. She was a bit upset about the laptop being in her face, but eventually relaxed.  She ate dinner and then we got real silly.  Playing, screaming, tickling, grabbing, laughing.  She's quite the clown.

Then it was TUBBY TIME!!  She loves the bath. 

Here's a good shot of that third tooth that broke through on top! 

The time just keeps flying by.  Before we know it she'll be ONE! 

First camping trip

The Maloney's drove up to Deception Pass State Park yesterday morning to go camping.  We'd intended to go for two nights, leaving Friday but it just didn't work out.  Carrie Ella was a trooper. 

 Where in the world are we?
  And what is Daddy doing?
 Can I help?

  I'm going to sleep here?!

 Strapped to Mama for a long overdue nap.
 Deception Pass Bridge

 Goose Rock Summit
 First time wearing CE on my back.  So much more comfortable for hiking.
 Back at camp.
 Playing with rocks.
So happy to see a smile on my 8 month olds face this morning.  She woke up screaming bloody murder twice in the night.  We think she was scared and cold.  The first time she screamed for about 5 minutes, maybe more.  Sure felt like forever.  The second time she calmed down more quickly.  What a trooper! 

Monday, July 23, 2012


Someone has discovered sleeping on her belly. Two nights in a row, I'd say she likes it!

Sunday, July 22, 2012


The girls doing what they do best. Taking things from one another. What you don't see in the video is that Charlotte had the toy to begin with...

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Saturday night is alright for tutus!

The Wasse's had Michelle booked to watch Charlotte so Sean and I decided to take advantage and went out too. We finally used the gift certificate to Lark that we received as a wedding gift. Dinner was delicious and it was nice to have some time alone with Seanie.

Meanwhile Charlotte and Carrie Ella were having a blast.


Maloney family outing to Jefferson Park in Beacon Hill. Such a great park! Zip line, slides, playground, fountains, skate park, Samoans playing their version of cricket. Ok, so the Samoans aren't there all the time, but everything else is! CE will love it here when she's a bit older.

We unintentionally dressed the same today. I'm in a Biscuits shirt, Sean's wearing Umphrey's and CE is in Phish! What a dorky jam band family we are. Can't help but feel badly for CE, she has no say in the matter :-)

Friday, July 20, 2012

Satisfied customer

My 3 cup mini prep food processor came today! For CE's dinner I mixed up carrots, blueberry, banana and apple sauce then added her oat cereal. Very happy to report that she liked it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Carrie Ella's upper right tooth has finally broken through. We knew she'd been working on it for a while and last night I finally felt it. Today I can actually see it.

Tooth #3!

Photo Shoot

We had Jenny Boyle come and take pictures of CE Sunday.  She posted a preview of some of the shots to her blog:

Carrie Ella was overdue for a nap by the end of the shoot but all in all we think it went well and like the photos!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Friday, July 13, 2012

Stopping to smell the roses

While we wait for Daddy. He decided to ride his bike home from work...going on 3 hours. Should I send out the search party?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Dinner on the front deck

Where it's nice and cool! CE didn't take a second nap today so she's in quite the mood. We think she's teething... Doing everything we can to distract her.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Travel champ

Our little munchkin slept 7:30 to 7:30! Yay!! Everyone had a really great night of sleep. She was pretty whiney last night, the littlest thing could set her off with crocodile tears, but we needed to keep her up. And it worked. Phew...

Back to the grind today.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Home sweet home

I was a blogging slacker during vacation. We had such a great time with our family & friends. Everyone took such great care of us along the way. We're very lucky! I'll eventually get around to a recap post, but for's good to be home. It's gorgeous. Perfect temp, nice breeze...aaahhh...Can't wait to sleep in my own bed tonight!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Tired girl

With all the traveling, visiting and new people over the last 4 days, we're really tiring CE out (and giving her some new dream material!)

Today she met The Gorman Clan, saw her Mammi, Aunt Lizzie & Madi too. Was a quick intro then headed to meet Grandpa Barden & Kathleen where we're staying while upstate. (We got lucky, Kelly & Becca stopped by!)

Looking forward to the fresh air and time with my family over the next few days!

Roscoe diner

Lunch stop.