Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Memorial Day fun

CE loves watching buses lately so we decided to take her on a bus ride to Seattle Center.  She loved riding, although you couldn't tell from this photo. 

When we got off the bus we started heading towards Seattle Center where the Folklife festival was going on.

She was quite impressed with the Space Needle.

We walked through the crowds to the Children's Museum. She loves playing here!

First we had a snack.
Then some more metro riding.
Some water play.
Loves to gab on the pay phone. 
We left and headed back through the festival. Sean was determined to get something to eat and opted for the super healthy fried PBJ sandwich. 

With food like that no wonder they felt the need to post this. Guess they know their Folklife crowd. 


Friday, May 24, 2013

Buchanan Place

I know, I know. It's been a loooong time. Feel like its taking me forever to catch up...I owe some posts. But for today, posting about our visit to BP. CE takes a long time to warm up on our visits but today she spotted some baby dolls and it was over.   The residents and staff  loved seeing her.