Thursday, January 30, 2014

I'm two.

I'm irrational. I don't want to eat the dinner you made. And you need to make this granola bar back into one piece. I don't want to eat a broken one. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014


Carrie Ella got her first pillow this week, and a Thomas pillow case!

She loves it. 

Getting closer and closer to a real bed...

Seward Park

Coooold morning. 

Trike practice. 

Waiting for the fog to lift.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Keeping up with Carrie Ella

Today is Grandma Cece's birthday, happy birthday!

Little girl is busy trying out potential careers today...

Hair stylist 


House cleaner

Friday, January 24, 2014


Been a busy week! Excited for the weekend...

CE morning fro...
And after. I love the poofs
And a pig tail. 

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Model Railroad Show

Michelle and CE rode the #8 city bus to the Pacific Science Center Monday for the Model Railroad show. 

CE had a blast. After they'd been there a while Michelle asked CE if she wanted to go see the butterflies (very cool exhibit) but CE said "no, I want to see trains!" And of course, she found Thomas!

She even got to drive the Gordon train! 

The girl loves trains. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Go Seahawks!

It's been a long time, I'm very overdue on posts...still hoping to go back and add one for CE's visit with the Grossman/Maloney's in Cali and one for Christmas...what a great time was had!  How fortunate we are.

But on to the here and now -we had a really nice Seattle weekend.

Yesterday we took CE to Sportball at the Montlake Community Center where she learned how to "play" football. It was her second week going (last week was soccer), and while she's not completely warmed up to the environment, she's getting better.  In another few weeks she'll only spend a few minutes attached to my leg. 

After, I headed off for a run and Sean and CE went to fly a kite in Gasworks park.  I stopped over on my run and snapped a few photos.

Today we went for a bike ride to Madison Park, but let's be honest, the center piece  of the day was the Seahawks beating the 49ers! Super Bowl! Woo hoo! I would say it was the highlight, but it wasn't. After the game I realized that CE had disappeared and hadn't been heard from for about 5 minutes, which is a pretty long stretch  "um, Sean, where is Carrie Ella?" (great parenting, I know). Sean went in search of her and found that she had gone into the bathroom, pulled her pants down, removed her diaper, peed on her potty, wiped herself and put her pants back on. All by herself! Woah! So proud of her! Let's hope she keeps this going.