Sunday, May 25, 2014

Katie Jr.

Corrects Daddy's every move...

Has to get every last drop of ice cream..

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mommy's Day

CE slept late, the first time in weeks. Sean made breakfast. We walked up to the soccer fields. Short nap. Gardening. Played and ate a spaghetti/meatball dinner in the backyard. All in all a very nice day. Thanks Sean David. 

Monday, May 5, 2014


Little girl really does make me smile a lot lately (and simultaneously want to pull my hair out in frustration.)  She's full of imaginative play, new words and sentences.  You can't really get anything past her anymore either.  Some moments she is a sweet little girl others a little demanding manner less monster, hopping (literally) mad that she's not getting her way.  It's a good thing she's so cute.

She's really enjoying all the baby stuff organizing that's going on lately.  She's seeing old toys, clothes, and items that were long since put away.