Sunday, July 27, 2014

Friday, July 25, 2014


Michelle came for dinner tonight. CE was very excited to see her, anxiously waiting...

CE gave her a big long hug when she got here.  She hasn't said much these last few weeks, but she's really missing her Shelly. She was excited to show off her new blue room.

I forgot to get pictures, but was really nice catching up with Michelle. 

CE was sad when she left, kept saying she needed a kiss from Shelly. 

Next time....I told her she'd be back soon to see her finished bedroom and eventually her baby sister! 

Summer Blast - Week 3

Preschool Campers

This week, our preschool summer camp was filled with discovery. We learned how things grow by planting seeds and reading books like My Amazing Body. We practiced mixing colors, dissecting leaves, and made an x-ray of our hand. 

On Friday, we found fossils in ice and served as special VIP guests for the K-5 talent show preview. Our favorite part of the week was dying flowers and learning friend’s names during snack time!

- Lucia & Tiffany

PM Extended Day 

PreSchool PreK

This week we visited the garden. We did some weeding and collected fruit and  vegetables. The children got to draw and learned how to write about what we collected. 

They also got to create some artwork for the garden by painting the stones.

-Lenny, Jimmie & Isabel

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Carrie Ella's new bedroom

Work is underway! 

CE picked this bright blue. After first coat. 

Final coat drying. Sean did a great job!

Up next: bed, blinds, toy chest and some wall decals, she wants kites, Christmas trees and clouds. 

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summer Blast newsletter

From her first week

Preschool Campers

This week in preschool was full of paint, music, sprinklers, water color, and fun in the sun. We learned how to make independent art projects and worked on fine motor skills. We spent a lot of time outside enjoying the beautiful weather. Look for our heart-shaped birdfeeders hanging on the center tree in the playground. On Tuesday, we made music and collected items from the garden for our Nature Art Projects. We ended the week by reading “Papa Please get the Moon for me” and creating a mixed media piece. 

Our favorite part of camp so far has been bird calling, painting outside, and playing with water balloons.
- Lucia & Tiffany

Saturday, July 12, 2014

More flowers

More seedlings from this spring blooming. 

The snap dragons are gorgeous.

 The Black-eyed Susans very disappointing. Look nothing like the wild ones I'm used to. 

Friday afternoon

At the beach.  Picked CE up early and headed to the beach. 

She had a great first week. Quite proud of all of us, particularly CE. 

Ch ch ch changes! 

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Bed hog

One new adjustment from nanny share to school is going from having a complete understanding of what CE did all day long, how her day was, etc.. to only knowing what we're able to extract from her.  There are no updates or notes from the school. From what we gathered from her yesterday (and the teachers this morning) it went really well. She told us she loved her teachers and her friend who is two. She didn't eat much of what we sent, just the Rice Krispie treat and sushi. 

When I picked her up she wasn't in a diaper and I couldn't really understand the extended day teacher Isabel, so it wasn't until this morning that her regular teachers told me that they sent her  to Isabel in a diaper, they said that throughout the day they kept finding her without one. She must have been going into the bathroom and taking it off to pee. :-) 

Last night she said she had fun but she didn't want to go back :-) 

She was exhausted, but of course fought sleep last night. 

She ended up in bed with us early in the AM. Combination of sleeping with us while away and school stress is my guess. 

She was stressed about going this morning, said she wanted to stay home. But as soon as she was in the room she immediately joined the other kiddos at the table painting and didn't even glance back at me as I walked out the door. 

Big girl! :-) 

Monday, July 7, 2014

First day at Giddens

We packed her backpack and lunch bag for school last night, which she really enjoyed, but she was definitely showing signs of worry about this whole school business. 

As Sean and I walked her to her classroom this morning she kept saying "please don't leave me." There wasn't a dry eyed Maloney as we left.

Not an easy morning but we're convinced she'll love it...eventually. 

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th

Lovely day in Chelan.

Morning swim.
 Much needed nap. 
Sno cone.
Didn't get pics at the pool, but she loved the new floatie toys Daddy bought.
BBQ ribs, corn and salt potatoes. 
Daddy and CE's version of Sleeping Beauty. 

Kite flying