Tuesday, December 22, 2015


"Mommy!" (From the bathroom, I'm in the kitchen doing dishes.)
"Yes Carrie Ella?"
Minutes go by.
"Yes Carrie Ella?"
A few more minutes go by.
"Yes, sweetheart?"
"I love you."
When Sean and I have date nights she likes to leave us a project or gift. Tonight it was this felt picture board on our bed. 

How did I get so lucky?

Sunday, December 13, 2015


A nice weekend at home, but man. The girls sucked the life out of us today.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Fairy garden

CE got s fairy garden for her birthday. The other night she write a note, hoping a fairy would write back, and one did. Her name is Glow and she's a night fairy. CE left her a mini marshmallow the other night and the next morning Glow had built a snowman. 

Sunday, November 29, 2015

4th Birthday

How exciting that Carrie Ella got to spend her birthday in NY at Grandpa Tom and Grandma CC's. She was soooo excited for weeks and weeks to be turning 4,  It was a fun day.  She was spoiled with gifts and finally got her baby doll that poops and pees.

The kids enjoyed a minion Bob pinata and good old fashioned pin the tail on the donkey.  There was face painting, princess dress up (thanks to Madi hand me downs) and some yummy pizza and vanilla ice cream cake.  It was so great to see all of our friends and their kiddos and the Takacs family.  My how times have changed.

CE was tired, a bit sick and cranky.  But she had fun.

Thanks to Zuza for the face painting and pictures!