Sunday, February 22, 2015

Thursday, February 19, 2015


Won't cooperate for pictures these days! Puffs are pretty big. 

She fell at school yesterday and has a cut  under her nose. 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Catherine's Lego birthday party

Dinner winner

I love this plate. CE is a good eater to begin with, but even more so when it's made into a game with a treat at the end!

Here after she's finished.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Spring has sprung?

It may be CE's mid winter break next week but it's feeling a lot more like spring. The temperatures have been warming to the 50's this past week and my seasonal allergies have started! 

The bulbs CE and I planted have begun to bloom and its sweatshirt and light rain jacket weather. 

I saw this guy outside yesterday.

Playing with her backyard stuff.

Nonetheless it's still a long haul until Summer. Let's hope for a sun filled spring!

Saturday morning

Carrie Ella gets up pees on the potty,  of her own volition, and asks to get dressed. All done in under 10 minutes of waking. Where is this person during the week day!?

I guess she really wants to take Duchess to the vet with me.

Oh and another dry pull up this morning. My big girl! 

Friday, February 13, 2015

A perfect week!

She had a good drop off every day this week AND no pee accidents! Woo hoo! 

"Skiing" with her friends Shoshana & Delaney. 

Sunday, February 8, 2015