Saturday, September 29, 2012

10 months!

My baby is less and less of a baby every day. 

As serious & shy as Carrie Ella can often be around other people, she also has the capacity to be a complete goof ball. She is persistent, feisty, fearless and most times needs to be entertained.  She pulls herself up onto everything. And loves to walk with some help.  She is very aware and can have the room scoped out in under a minute.  She loves kids, books, fruit, cheese and animals (especially Cleo & Duchess).  She also enjoys eating cat food or anything else she comes across on the floor. When I tell her no, she laughs at me.  Having a baby that sleeps great in her own bed has one downside, she won't snuggle with us on those early  morning wake ups.  (I still have hope.)

I won't lie, she is a lot of work but she is also a lot of fun.    When she smiles, I smile, because there is nothing cuter to me in this whole world.  I may be tired a lot, but its totally worth it!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Wednesday story hour

CE went to the library today for story hour. Michelle says she wouldn't leave her lap at first, she's a shy girl when she's out and about. Eventually she warmed up, especially once she saw some PEPS friends, Ella & Summit!

All in all she was a pretty happy girl! Came home with one book today, "My Food, Mi Comida." Guess she wants to learn Spanish. Wouldn't leave the library without it.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Favorite book

By far is "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what Do You See?" by Bill Martin Jr. & Eric Carle. She won't sit still for any other book like she will for this one. Sitting still is a rare thing these days...

Kitty Cat

Not going to "officially" call it, but pretty sure CE is working on her first word. "kitty cat" sounds like "ca ca" and she says it just about every time she sees the cats. :-)

Sunday, September 16, 2012


We've laid pretty low this weekend, been nice after a very busy couple of work weeks.

Speaking of busy, Carrie Ella is a busy little baby these days.  Crawling everywhere, getting into everything.  She pulls herself up on anything too.  She's been teething like crazy, at least we assume that's what's going on with her.  She was up three nights this week and often has little breakdowns for seemingly no reason.  She has very little patience and is pretty serious most days lately.   So busy learning and absorbing EVERYTHING.  She has her silly moments too, screeching at the top of her lungs and gabbing up a storm.  It's crazy how quickly they grow up! 

Sunriver, OR 8/28 - 9/1 (catch up post)

We had such a nice time in Sunriver with the Grossman family.  Nothing like a house full of cousins!  Sunriver is a beautiful place with lots of fun things to do.

On a run one morning...

Matthew loves Miss Carrie Ella. "She's so cute"
The girls
 Carrie Ella was not so sure about the bike helmet or the Burley

 Lava lands

 On our way into the cave....
 We survived...barely...


Time to go to the pool!
Pool fun!
 Lounging in the pool


I'm 9 months old today!!
Double trouble
Drivin' home...

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Beautiful evening

Took a walk to Hillside Park with the munchkin. So beautiful out. Perfect fall weather.