Friday, November 30, 2012

12 month check up

Carrie Ella went in for her 12 month visit today.  Stats are:

Height: 30.5" (90th)
Weight: 21 lb 14 oz (77th)
Head: 45.2 cm (57th)

She had her second flu booster, chicken pox & varicella shots.

She's doing really well! 

The doctor is keeping an eye on her breast buds and line on her belly which can be indications of high estrogen levels.  If the buds and line haven't gone by her 15 month check up we'll go see have an Endocronologist to have some tests run to make sure nothing odd is going on.   In the meantime I need to make sure there's no lavendar or tea tree oil in any products she uses, as I guess that can cause high estrogen levels.  Who knew....

Other than that, she is sleeping really well, going down at 8:00 PM getting up between 7:00 and 8:00 AM.  She's walking better and better every day, a lot less crawling going on and she's eating like a champ.  We've been offering whole milk in a sippy cup for over a week now and she's only just starting to drink it.  Now to wean her from the formula/bottle.  We cut the morning bottle a week ago, tomorrow we'll try no bottle before her afternoon nap.  We'll see how it goes.  The hope is to have her off the bottle completely in 3 weeks.

She's becoming more and more fun every day.  Looking forward to a relaxing weekend with her and Sean :-)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy 1st birthday!!!

My baby is ONE today!!!!

CE had a really great day. She got to talk to most of her family and scored a ton of great gifts!  She is a very lucky little girl. 

I was running around all day preparing for her party, and thanks to Michelle's help it came off very nicely! Lesson learned, do it on the weekend, not a weeknight!  On the menu for her party, pulled pork and ribs from the BBQ Pit, Sean's Mac n' Jack and butternut squash.We also had a really cute rainbow fruit display that I never took a picture of, also forgot to take a picture of the cupcakes all nicely displayed before we served them.  :-(   The cupcakes came out really nicely.  Yummy, super colorful, and thanks to Michelle, nicely frosted and sprinkled.

I'm so exhausted, looking forward to a relaxing weekend with my one year old.  Here's photo highlights from her first birthday!

Thanks Mammi!


For favors I made crayon letters spelling the kids names.  And there's our psychadelic rainbow cupcake!  Tasted yummy.

 She didn't really eat it, just made a HUGE mess!! :-)
 Sweet frosting = this face!?!?!?

 Helping Daddy put her toys away before bed.  A good day!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Friday, November 23, 2012


We had a really nice Thanksgiving! Carrie Ella watched her first Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Then we went to the arboretum for some fresh air.  CE loved crawling around and getting dirty.
Riding on her Daddy's back.


 Carrie Ella had a melt down after these last couple of photos.  We didn't want her crawling too close to the ducks.

 Daddy carving his bird.  Alton Brown did not disappoint. 



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Tuesday with the Maloney's

Getting her hair done up by Daddy (Tuesdays is Sean's morning to get her ready and over to the Wasse's.)  Not that wetting or gelling it up matters.  She's all fro'd out by mid-day.

Her belly is lookin' big and full these days. 

Carrie Ella LOVES to tease her Daddy.  She'll offer him something then snatch it away hiding up against me. Girls do start young...  The other funny thing she does lately is turn down the bass on the sub woofer.  She never turns it up, always down.  Guess she's not into the low end. 

Playing with Daddy's phone.
Words can't express how happy this little girl makes me. She can make me laugh and entertain me like no other.