Monday, November 19, 2012

Overwhelmed, in a nice way

My baby is going to be one soon and I'm finding myself overwhelmed by thoughts and feelings that I was going through last year at this time.  Excited, nervous, impatient, uncomfortable.  I'm not sure if anything can compare with the anticipation and excitement of having your first child. 

When I look at her now all I can think is, she's humongous!  She has changed so much....what a year its been.

We had a really nice weekend.  Productive and relaxing.  Carrie Ella really turned the corner with her walking yesterday.  She'll take a few steps, unprompted, when she doesn't think you're really paying attention.  She should be walking by her birthday and definitely for her trip back to NY to see family and friends.

She loves to hug onto legs these days.  Makes it difficult when cooking, but its sweet. 

Saturday we took her to Seattle Gymnastics for a 5 and under play time, unfortunately we got there a bit late and the play area was full.  We made do with the little play area in the front.  She's probably still a little young for the big area anyway.  Then we went to Costco to pick up some things.  She loves riding in the cart.


Sunday I ran 12 miles, (last training run, half marathon next week!) and then didn't feel like doing anything for the rest of the day.  So we vegged at home. 

Carrie Ella is obsessed with the dishwasher.  She gets really mad if you open it while she's strapped into her high chair.  The other favorite?  The record player.  She's very interested in it, now to teach her not to touch the stop button. 

I tried out a tofu nugget recipe, came out okay. Tasted better than it looked, and she seemed to like it, but not as much as the sweet potatoe fries. :-)

Short week!  Looking forward to an extended weekend with the family!  Now let's just hope that my baby girl will let me sleep in a bit. 

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures! And it's nice to hear all that's going on! Love you all!
