Saturday, December 22, 2012

A Maloney Family Christmas!

Last night we took Carrie Ella to U-Village to meet Santa.  First we stopped at Specialty's for a sandwich dinner, then we headed over to get on line.  It was going to be an hour wait (out in the cold) so Sean took CE to the play area while I waited. 
It was getting closer and closer to her bedtime and she was just starting to show signs of tiring when we finally got inside to meet Santa.  She did pretty well.  There were nearly tears, but we jumped up and down and tried to make her smile.

This morning we celebrated our own Maloney Christmas, opening stockings and presents.   Carrie Ella got a lot of new books!

 Mammi made these AWESOME finger puppets!! 
 And these ones too!  Carrie Ella is sooooo lucky to have such a talented grandmother. 
Stopping for a quick cuddle with Mommy.
Sean scored the Beatles vinyl box set while I'm sporting a new kindle.  Spoiled rotten. Sean had been geeking out hard core all day, listening to the albums and reading about them in the really nice book that came with the set.
An adorable panda that Mammi sent me.  Its so pretty.  She does detail so well.  It can't be easy.
 Can't wait to put this adorable owl (also from Mammi) on top of our tree next year.
 Carrie Ella having a candy cane coffee cake for the first time! She was very tired and teething hard core, but enjoyed it none the less.

 Here's her Christmas present from us, a kitchen to play in!

We head to NY tomorrow.  Can't wait!  A little anxious about the flight, but I'm sure it'll be all good. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Miss have it her way

Carrie Ella has really started to show a flare for the dramatic.  If she can't figure something out, or do or get something she wants,  she gets frustrated and SQUEEEEEAAAAALLLLS.  Wonder where she gets that from?

She's had chest congestion for the last week, it was just starting to get better and now she's got a runny nose.  I woke up feeling yicky too.  Right before we travel.  Sigh. 

In other news she got a new bottom tooth this week and I'm pretty sure that she's working on three more. May explain her sweet attitude :-)

Sunday, December 16, 2012


In other news this weekend, our PEPS friends Todd, Kim & Emily came over for dinner.  The girls had fun pushing each other around, CE's new favorite pasttime. 

Sunday after breakfast Sean took CE out in her pink car to the park by our house.  It's been so rainy that we wanted to take advantage of the brief reprieve to get her some air and fun outside but brrrrrr it was cold!!  Seems like every week theres a new play toy in the park.  This week a castle and a work bench!

Playing in a box.
 Stuck in a box.
One more week of work and then we're on VACATION.  Looking forward to getting back to NY to see friends and family, although we will missing seeing my Mom and the Grossman fam. 


While this is Carrie Ella's blog, I do need to take a minute and post about my boy Cleo.  For more than 13 years he's been with me, and I'm so sad to have lost him this weekend.  Before there was Sean, Duchess or even Carrie Ella, it was just me and Cleo.  And that's how we spent our last night together, just the two of us in the guest bed downstairs. 
He certainly did come a long way.  Born on a farm in upstate NY, to hard core living in the Bronx and Hell's Kitchen, then 2400 miles across the country to Seattle. 
When I first got him I thought he was a she and named "her" Chloe and bought a pink collar :-)  And when I found out he was a boy I called him Cleo.  Also a girls name.  I guess I was confused...

Cleo and my girl, Bailey.
Very lucky for myself, Cleo & Duchess, Sean accepted the package deal and became their person just as much as I was. 
My boys.

Keeping cool in our Hell's Kitchen apt.   That 5th floor closet apartment got HOT in the summer.
Such a beautiful boy.
Awaiting CE's arrival
Not so sure....

She's not so bad after all

He HATED having his belly touched but it was so hard to resist when you found him like this.
He always loved getting in boxes, baskets, you name it, he'd try to get in it.
Towards the end he was tired and didn't move much, which made him an easy target for CE.  I'd like to think he didn't mind all that much and enjoyed the attention.
Kisses for Cleo.
Saying goodbye.
 The house feels uneven and a little less full.  We're going to miss him. But that's life for you. I'm glad for the memories and the good fortune of being his person and sharing his life.

We're going to miss you buddy.  Rest in peace.