Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Char, CE, Michelle and I visited Buchanan Place this afternoon.  The residents enjoyed seeing the girls in costume.

We headed home to meet up with the Wasse's to go trick or treating up in Madrona.  Chelley really wanted a picture with both her girls, but CE did not cooperate.  (She's really good at that.)

Char in her partial flamingo costume and Michelle in a tutu.

Early evening we headed up to Madrona for some trick or treating!


 We didn't get a pic of Matt (he was a zoo keeper).  Jess was a peacock.

After sucessful candy collecting we headed home for some pizza and to hand out some candy ourselves.  We had quite a few visitors this year! 

Here she is munching on her treats pre-pizza delivery. 

Was a fun night! 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Mommy sit

Carrie Ella loves to have me sit and make me "dinner" lately. 

Love this little girl so much!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Spooky walk...

Pumpkin Farm

My favorite farm closed this year because of flooding so Sunday we went to Bob's Corn & Pumpkin Farm in Snohomish. It was aight...miss Fall City Farms.

CE had fun...kinda...the hayride stressed her out but she enjoyed it once it started moving. "No crash."


She really enjoyed the hay maze.


Another weekend gone, life moves so fast...

Sunday, October 13, 2013

October is the best

CE had a blast playing in a pile of leaves today! What a beautiful fall day, and the Seahawks won. October is the best. 

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dr. Maze Pumpkin Farm

We took our little boy, oops, I mean little girl to the pumpkin farm today :-)

The weather was gorgeous so we had to get out of the house. I fully intend on a trip to my favorite pumpkin farm in a couple weeks (Fall City Farms) but I'm sure it'll be raining by then!

"ooh, heavy."