Tuesday, November 26, 2013

2nd Birthday Party

Since CE's 2nd birthday is right after Thanksgiving this year and most of her friends will be traveling, we decided to have her party a little early.  We wanted something small with all of her closest pals so we opted for a late morning playdate and lunch yesterday.

We dropped CE off at Charlotte's in the morning and when Shelley, Char and CE arrived around 10:00 Carrie Ella was super excited to find the house decorated with balloons and various Curious George stuff.

In attendance:
Char and Shelley (of course!)
Ella (with Mommy Hazel and nanny Anna)

and last but not least Emily (and Mommy Kim)

The kiddos painted, colored the glass doors, played with toys up & downstairs, had a sing along with kids music singing sensation Sean Daddy Maloney.  For lunch we served a bunch of CE's favorites - fruit salad (with strawberries, blueberries and poms), cheese and black bean quesadillas, mac n cheese, red, yellow & orange peppers, etc...  was quite the kid friendly spread. 

Char mesmerized with Sean's guitar playing.  We sang some kids songs!
I made a small  cake and ice cream cone cupcakes.

After the last few weeks of singing happy birthday to her friends, it was finally CE's turn.  (Posted a video on skydrive!)

I know CE just wanted a real ice cream cone so that's what she had.  (She's not a huge cake fan).

Her friends spoiled her with lots of fun gifts: Curious George books, a cookie set for her kitchen, a magnetic "paper" doll, a barrel of monkeys, stamps, a train whistle, etc....

Carrie Ella and her friends had a lot of fun!  So glad everyone could make it to celebrate. 
On her actual birthday we plan to spoil her some more and celebrate with a real ice cream cake, maybe she'll be into blowing the candle out then!  Can't believe she's gonna be two! 


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