Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving Holiday & 2nd Birthday!

We had a nice holiday weekend!  Having CE's 2nd birthday in the mix was a lot of fun.

On Thanksgiving we spent the morning watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.  CE opened a birthday present from Aunt Lizzie a day early.  (Trying to space out all the toys!) 

For dinner we went to Ray's Boathouse on the sound in Ballard.  It was a clear day - but down on the water it was super thick fog.

We had a pretty yummy buffet style dinner with Bill & Lisa.  The turkey, clams and desserts were the big hits for me.  CE liked the turkey and bread.  (Good thing we didn't have to pay for her.)  I came armed with toys, her tracing book and of course, my phone since we knew it was going to be a long dinner for her.  She did pretty well but at the end grabbed the bag and said "all done.  home."

On her birthday she woke up and opened presents after breakfast.  She got lots of fun stuff.  A purple blanket fort and matching glow stick light, a classic Fidgets baby doll & crib, wood fruit and the Curious George movie.
 By far her favorite was the Elmo Choo Choo Train she's been talking about for weeks. 

I also made her a personalized picture book of her favorite things and  Mommy and Daddy books filled with pics of us with her.

Late morning we headed to Kid Quest Children's Museum in Factoria.  It was awesome.  We'll have to go back.  It's small but it kinda puts the Seattle museum to shame.

I think Sean had just as much fun as CE.

That evening we met Kim, Todd and Emily for dinner at Pies and Pints - she wasn't really into the eating out thing two nights in a row.  We got home early enough to sing happy birthday and eat ice cream cake!

Saturday we went to Tukwila to do some shopping then relaxed at home.  Sunday I ran the Seattle Half Marathon.  Sean and CE came to meet me a the 8 mile marker.  I stopped to give her a big squeeze and kiss then finished up the race in record time (1:55:31 - a 8:50 per mile pace!)

As I hobbled my way down the street home from the race (took the bus) desperate to get home I saw Sean in the park by our house with the kite.  He and CE have been wanting to go fly a kite for days - unfortunately there hadn't been any wind.  Sunday there was a lot of it.  She was smiling from ear to ear when I came up.

Little girl LOVES to sing "Let's go Fly a Kite" at the top of her lungs when she's in the car, walking around the house or when she's supposed to be sleeping.  (She also loves watching the movie clip on YouTube.)  As tired and cold as I was, I didn't mind the stop over and it made my day seeing her in the park with the kite.  She was over the moon. 

We bummed around the house the rest of Sunday.  I took a nap when CE went down for hers.  It was awesome.

In two weeks we'll be on VACATION through the end of the year.  Can't wait to visit family in Topanga - and while I'm excited for a trip to Mexico with Sean, I'm definitely anxious about leaving CE.  I know she'll be fine, she'll have a will I...

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