Sunday, March 30, 2014


Working from home and being in my house all the time is starting to drive me batty so we decided to head to Portland for a night. 

Visited the children's museum after a yummy lunch in Vancouver, WA. 

After, we checked into the hotel and headed to the pool. We've never seen CE so confident and excited to do something somewhat new. She loved the water. Grinned and laughed the entire time. Had to take her out long before she was ready since her teeth were chattering from being cold.
After an ok dinner at Hopworks, a kid friendly brewery restaurant we headed back to the hotel. CE slept great in her pack n play.

Next morning up for the continental breakfast then more swimming (this time with gift shop purchased arm floaties).
 Then we headed to Vodoo Donut. (She wanted the red one. Licked a few sprinkles off and was done).

And that was that. Back to Seattle in time to catch a little window of sun. 

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