Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Carrie Ella

Mommy: Carrie Ella, can I have a hug? I haven't had one in a while.

Carrie Ella runs and throws herself at me hugging me tight.

Carrie Ella: I love you so much. I'll never ever ever break your heart.

She is such a sweet sensitive little girl!

She's been waking every night, sometimes twice a night. She says she's scared of the dark or had a bad dream. I typically take her back to her room and lay with her for a while sometimes falling sleep myself. I'm not sure what it is exactly, but the thing that's clear is that she needs me. So I don't get mad, but I sure am tired. I've been in bed with lights out by 9:30 a lot lately. Hoping I can get a good chunk of sleep before she wakes. Sometimes it's between 11:30-12:30 and then around 3:00. Most frequently it's just the latter. 

Last night I tried something. I put a sleeping bag on the floor by my bed and told her if she woke and was scared or needed me she could come in my room and crawl into the sleeping bag. She loooooved this idea.

Last night at 3:45 I heard her feet padding into our room. She went right to the sleeping bag and got in. It took her a good 10 minutes to settle into sleep. We'll see how this goes for everybody. It can't make it any worse. 

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