Monday, October 19, 2015

Big Girl

Carrie Ella has grown up in leaps and bounds in the last year.  She will now say hello and good bye to people.  She will even hug her friends good bye.  Recently Jess and I took Char and CE to see Elephant and Piggie We Are In a Play at the Seattle Children's Theater (which was great!) and when they said goodbye they hugged and told each other that they loved each other.  Sniff Sniff.

She is capable of doing so many things on her own (when she wants to) and seemingly struggles between wanting to be a big independent girl and held like a baby as she sees my relationship with Sally.  She will get dressed by herself, she's officially potty trained with few night time accidents. She's smart and is able to express herself and her emotions (most of the time) in a healthy way.  She's very creative, she can't get enough of making things, constantly asking to do a project.  Thank goodness for Zuza's patience and creative mind.  She loves her little sister and will play with her and keep us posted on what Sally is up to. She will say please and thank you, occasionally,  and she'll tell Mommy and Daddy that she loves us out of blue.

I sometimes forget that she's a little girl, annoyed at the whining and crying, expecting more from her, but truthfully, she's right where she should be.  She's such a loving, sweet and sensitive girl.

A package

Recently I received a package and card in the mail from my cousin Sarah (2nd cousin, I believe)  who I haven't seen or talked to in years, probably not since we were kids at the farm for Thanksgiving.  In the box was a hand knit pink sweater and in the note she wrote about how the sweater was special and that it was her favorite when she was little.  The reason, it was hand knit by my Aunt Carrie. We were both small when Carrie died, but I think one thing we both knew was that she was a very special person to so many people and therefor she was quite special.  Sarah has her own little girl, Clara,  who wore the sweater and has since outgrown it.  Sarah said that instead of putting it in a box in storage (with the hopes of having a grand daughter to wear it one day) she thought she'd send it to me so that my girls could wear it.  It was all so very sweet and I was in tears as I finished the note.

Thursday, October 1, 2015