Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Hoot! Hoot! Boo!

 We went to Summit's 1st birthday/Halloween party today.  Carrie Ella dressed as an owl, Sean a tree and I was a mouse (a/k/a dinner).  The inspiration for the costume, was of course, CE's snuggly buddy, Hoot!

Group shot!

Arden the lamb

Super Summit, the birthday boy, with crabby Mom!
 Evelyn and her posse
 Carrie Ella fell and bumped her mouth at the party.  A little cut and slightly fat lip, so not a lot of smiles, but she bounced back good.  Poor baby, her first boo boo. 

 Ella the ballerina


Monday, October 22, 2012

First steps

Carrie Ella took a few steps tonight!  They weren't pretty and there were only 3 of them before she fell, but nonetheless, she did it and a couple times! 

Here she is being all proud of herself!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Low key weekend

We had a low key weekend around the house.  Carrie Ella was getting over the last of her cold and I was sick myself.  Saturday we didn't go anywhere and I spent most of the day finishing her Halloween costume.  I think it came out pretty good.  This morning I went for a 7.5 mile run (5 weeks until the Seattle half marathon!) then we all went out to a few shops in the afternoon.  Sean heads to NY Tuesday for work so I guess I'll spend my evenings putting together last minute costumes for us so we coordinate with her. We'll be going to a 1st birthday/Halloween party for Summit next Saturday.  

Other than that...Carrie Ella is really starting to walk well just holding one of our hands. She cruises around better now too.  She looks like she's thinking about walking more as an option rather than getting down to crawl.  I truly can't believe how big she is! 

Thursday, October 18, 2012

1st cold

Poor baby, Carrie Ella caught Char's cold. She was up at 3:00 am coughing last night. When I went in her nose was running. Other than being clingy and easily upset, she's been fine today. She hates having her nose sucked and the saline drops. Don't blame her. I hope she'll sleep good tonight!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Moving on...growing up

Saturday was the last day Carrie Ella would nurse.  For the last month or so she's only been doing so in the mornings.  She's been getting formula since 8 1/2 months because I wasn't pumping enough to cover her all day.  Sunday morning she refused to nurse and since I'm only able to pump about 4 oz during the day, well its just not really worth it anymore.  She's gotten all the major benefit from breast milk at this point, so its time to move on.  On one hand, I'm relieved.  It was a lot of work carrying the pump and parts to and from work, strapping in to pump an hour a day, and all the extra washing of parts, etc....  but on the other hand, it makes me a little sad.  My baby is growing up.  She isn't much of a snuggler, and nursing was one of the times that she'd still cuddle into me.  Sigh.   Where did this little baby go?

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall City Farms

Sean and I took CE to her first pumpkin farm this weekend!!!

(Obligatory picture of baby with pumpkin?  Check!)

It took us a while to get out to the east side after her first nap.  We stopped to buy CE her first pair of shoes (at Payless, of course) got some lunch (5 Guys) and by the time we got there she was tired and hungry.  I wasn't sure we were gonna get a smile. 

We went to the same pumpkin farm Sean and I've gone to the last couple of years, Fall City Farms. Last year Elizabeth and Mammi went with us while they visited. Can't believe Carrie Ella was still in my belly then....

The weather has been gorgeous so far this fall, but this weekend the rain began.
Goodbye sun, hello grey! 

The money shot! :-)

 When did she get so big!  Such a tall girl.


 The Maloney's! 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Attempting first run...

With the jogger stroller. Hope she likes it, Mama needs to get six miles in today.

Grocery shopping

Just dropped Daddy at the airport. Stopped to pick a few things up. My big girl riding in the cart!