Sunday, October 21, 2012

Low key weekend

We had a low key weekend around the house.  Carrie Ella was getting over the last of her cold and I was sick myself.  Saturday we didn't go anywhere and I spent most of the day finishing her Halloween costume.  I think it came out pretty good.  This morning I went for a 7.5 mile run (5 weeks until the Seattle half marathon!) then we all went out to a few shops in the afternoon.  Sean heads to NY Tuesday for work so I guess I'll spend my evenings putting together last minute costumes for us so we coordinate with her. We'll be going to a 1st birthday/Halloween party for Summit next Saturday.  

Other than that...Carrie Ella is really starting to walk well just holding one of our hands. She cruises around better now too.  She looks like she's thinking about walking more as an option rather than getting down to crawl.  I truly can't believe how big she is! 

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