Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Moving on...growing up

Saturday was the last day Carrie Ella would nurse.  For the last month or so she's only been doing so in the mornings.  She's been getting formula since 8 1/2 months because I wasn't pumping enough to cover her all day.  Sunday morning she refused to nurse and since I'm only able to pump about 4 oz during the day, well its just not really worth it anymore.  She's gotten all the major benefit from breast milk at this point, so its time to move on.  On one hand, I'm relieved.  It was a lot of work carrying the pump and parts to and from work, strapping in to pump an hour a day, and all the extra washing of parts, etc....  but on the other hand, it makes me a little sad.  My baby is growing up.  She isn't much of a snuggler, and nursing was one of the times that she'd still cuddle into me.  Sigh.   Where did this little baby go?

1 comment:

  1. It's the hardest part of being a Mom.the first year is the one with the most changes. You're a great Mom and you've done a great job.
