Tuesday, July 30, 2013

20 months!

Carrie Ella is 20 months! Amazing! Before we know it we'll be counting in years and this month thing will be behind us.

Mommy decided it was time to try out a new hairstyle. I've got a ways to go to perfect it but its growing on me. Once her hair gets a little longer it will be better. 

In other news, CE took her Mommy attachment to another level the last few days.  She's wanting me to hold her all the time. If I'm near her she has to be touching, leaning on or in my lap. She's been sad and crying for me during the days with Michelle. Lately she's been waking in the middle of the night. Usually all it takes is a sip of water and a quick snuggle and she goes back down. Last night after 3 attempts I finally just brought her into our bed, a rare occurrnce. Whenever I put her down she kept saying "hold you" "hug you." Once in our bed,  she fell asleep no problem. 

Not sure if its the age, teething again or a ripple affect from my nights away for Ragnar, but one things for certain, she sure can't get enough of her Mama. 

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