Tuesday, July 2, 2013


Carrie Ella (and her Mommy) survived daycare. 

Monday we took the bus downtown to the Bright Horizon's on West 8th. She loves the bus! Off to a good start....

Plan was to not prolong drop off. When we got to her room I stayed less than 5 minutes. I tried to sneak out when she was playing with some toys. Didn't fool her. Less than 10 seconds later I heard her crying for me. With tears in my eyes I forced myself onto the elevator and left. When I called to check on her a couple hours later they said she was playing and seemed fine.

Some pictures they took, notice Hoot is always in hand.

When I picked her up she saw me from across the room, smiled said "mama" then dissolved into tears. They said she had a tough morning, wouldn't eat lunch but took a long nap and was better after.

She was all smiles on the bus ride home.
She was pretty tired that evening and quite chatty.

I knew this mornings drop off was going to be bad as she would know what was coming. I handed her over to one of the ladies and watched her reach for me and listened to her scream as I left. Heartbreaking....

I picked her up early today since work is quiet.  No smile when she saw me, her face crumpled into a heartbreaking grimace and she cried.  She did recover quickly and had a lot to say. 

Photos from her (and Hoot's) day.

She had a short nap today so she was exhausted tonight...

With time, I know she would love daycare, but for now, we're very happy to have CE with Michelle and Charlotte each week. Can't beat the 1:2 ratio or how sweet and loving her "Chelley" is! 

1 comment:

  1. Happy you both survived! Welcome, once again, to motherhood.
