Tuesday, August 26, 2014


CE spent the day up in Wedgwood at Charlottes house with her new sitter Sarah. She had a great day, even napped. 

This is the best I could get today ...

In between these pictures they hugged for the camera, cutest thing ever, of course my phone got full and I had to delete some stuff and missed it. 

One more day at Char's, then one day at our house.

So glad the girls are spending time together.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Last trip to the beach

Mostly packed, one last beach visit before heading to the airport.

Tiring but nice trip. This preggo mama is ready to head home to her own bed!

School starts in 10 days. 


Finally, a full day at Legoland and with cousins Matthew & Dylan. It was a long, hot day, but it was fun. 

The ice pops that nearly sent us over the edge...

Sunday, August 24, 2014

No car day

We promised CE that we wouldn't get in the car at all Saturday. So we spent the day between the beach and pool, and walked to an early sushi dinner, followed by sunset and ice cream. A good day!

Crazy big waves today. 

Carrie Ella is just dying to be with kids. After 6 weeks of school, the last week with nothing but adults is hard on her. Trying to make friends wherever we go...


Arrived in SoCal Thursday mid-day. CE was a great little traveler for her Momma. 

We drove around for a while to let CE nap in the car and then arrived in Carlsbad and ate, quite possibly, the WORST Mexican meal ever. If ever in Carlsbad, avoid Garcia's. 

We headed to TJ's for groceries then checked into our great little seaside abode, Ocean Palms Hotel.

We settled in then Sean took CE to the beach while I napped. After we headed to the beach.

After a much needed good night of sleep, we woke up, ate and headed to the beach. (CE made us go to the pool first, but we convinced her that it was too early and to cool for the pool.)

After the beach we headed back to the room, rinsed off and gave CE lunch. We went to the In n Out drive thru hoping CE might nap on the way to Lego land. No such luck. It was a bit of a mess when we got there. She was tired...I was tired..it was hot. But all in all we had fun.

And finally, nap...