Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday fun day!

Today was CE's last day of summer blast camp. The teachers sent her home with a great laminated picture. (Broke up into two below).

How cute are she and Nora (her school best friend)?!

Here the day of the circus as a butterfly.

The older kids put on a carnival where she got a goodie bag of toys and trinkets (that she was very proud of.)

Camp ended at 12:30 so when I picked her up I decided to take her to City Target for a new special toy. 

We're so proud of how well she adjusted to Giddens. She just loves it there. The last couple weeks when picking her up we can't get her to leave. A good problem to have.... Now for the transition to her new school year teacher. Steve Taylor will be coming to the house for a visit Monday, so we're excited to officially meet him now that we know she's in his class. He sent an email today with this photo.
I met him a couple of times and I've no doubt CE will love him, eventually... 
It's a bit sad she won't be in Ella or Nora's class, but she'll do great. 

We were really happy to have Michelle come for dinner tonight. It was so great seeing her and catching up. So much going on with us these days and same with her, new infants to care for, a wedding to plan....lots to talk about! 

Michelle brought CE an awesome gift too, a beautiful blanket that she made.

It's perfect for CE's new room!

Carrie Ella loves it, of course. 

"It's comfy cozy. It smells like soft."
Even though it's quite warm, she wanted to sleep with it tonight (in her crib, not in the big girl bed...we'll get there eventually.)

So happy for the weekend. The next few weeks are going to be crazy as we piece together care for CE, but September and the first day of preschool will be here before we know it! (As will this baby, less than 9 weeks until due date, eeek!)

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