Sunday, May 13, 2012

Perfect day to be a Mom

Today was one of those that I'll take with me for a long time.

It was another beautiful day, blue skies, sunshine and a forecast of nearly 80 degrees.  I woke up around 7:00, CE got up close to 8:30. Sean made a yummy breakfast including his first ever poached egg (which only took 2 tries!)

I love cheese.  Sean knows this. 

While Carrie Ella took her morning nap Sean and I enjoyed a little sunshine out back.  Sean let me choose our activity for the day, so I decided I wanted to go to a Seattle park that we've never been too.  I choose Carkeek Park in North Seattle.  I packed up our stuff while Sean ran out for sanwiches and a salad at Essential .  By the time he got back CE was up from her nap and we were on our way. 

I'd read about Carkeek Park in an article from Red Tricycle Seattle (a website that recommends kid friendly things to do/visit in the Seattle area). The write up I read about it sounded awesome but since I'd never heard anything about it before, I wasn't sure what to expect. Sean and I were both pleasantly suprised. What a beautiful park!  There's a beach and views of the Puget Sound. 

There's also lots of great hiking trails and large fields for hanging out. Theres a great playground and cooking areas for BBQ's. We went for a short walk on a trail, we'll have to go back another time when we're more prepared to explore. 

We found a spot in the not so croweded part of the park, put down blankets and ate, relaxed and played.

We left the park and headed back to our hood and got some ice cream in Madison Park.  Carrie Ella crashed on the way.

After ice cream we headed home.  Sean went to his tennis lesson and Carrie Ella and I hung out.  I fed her some sweet potatoes, gave her a bath and then off to bed she went. 

Tomorrow evening I'm headed to Cupertino, CA to visit our HP offices  for two nights.  I'm sad to have to leave my little girl :-( 

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