Thursday, June 7, 2012

6 month check up

Carrie Ella had her 6 month check up today.

Weight: 16 pounds (46th percentile)
Height: 26.75" (80th percentile)
Head: 42.3 cm (42nd percentile)

 It was all fun and games until the doctor came in.

She got upset with the various poking and prodding and hadn't quite recovered once it was time for shots, which was VERY upsetting. I tried to breast feed her after but she was too upset to latch on so we just headed home. She was so tired that she half fell asleep in her car seat, sniffling every few seconds.

Once we got home I fed her then put her down. She cried at first, but a few minutes later she was silent. Hoping she has a nice long nap! Per Michelle, she's up again and super happy.  They do bounce back quickly.

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