Saturday, April 6, 2013

At the park

Sean's out of town this weekend so it was just me and CE today. She spent an hour with Char while I went for a 5 mile run this morning. Then we hung around the house.
After her nap we went to REI briefly (mistake) then to Powell Barnett Park on MLK. It is, by far, the best playground in or hood for CE's age. Lots of stuff for her size.

She's such a big girl! Its amazing to see all the things she can do lately. For example, at the park she climbed up the stairs and went down a slide all on her own.

She's gotten so tall too. When I see her next to her friends, who she used to be the same height as, I can't believe how much taller she is and seemingly only in a matter of weeks.
Other than that she's picking up more and more words each day (finally got her to say thank you last night!! Still working on please).
She alternates between being fiercely independent and attached to the hip. I think she's having a tough time teething so she's been very sensitive and needy. (She just got her two bottom molars. So that makes 4 on top 5 on bottom.) But on a good day she's exploring and being a playful goofball. She is going to be a handful, but a lot of fun! 
Tomorrow we're planning on visiting the Children's museum. Can't wait! 

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