Friday, April 12, 2013

Vacation! We made it.

Carrie Ella is a rock star! She did really well on the plane even with an hour delay sitting on the plane.  No crazy tantrums or long bouts of crying. We had two diaper changes. She read books, played with toys (thanks to Kim Wiessner) and the iPad. A nap eluded her until the end, but she did sleep for over an hour. She was so tired that she whined for a minute flopped over onto her belly and was down for the count, rock star style!

After we arrived we got our car, stopped at Walmart for supplies and headed out to the Outrigger Kiahuna Plantation in Poipu. It was a bit overcast when we arrived but nice and warm (and humid, her curls don't stand a chance). Our condo is small but very nice, looks like it was recently updated. It opens up out onto a lanai that heads straight out to the beach. CE was running out the door every chance she got. She was having a blast exploring.

With the 3 hour time difference I was a bit worried about how she'd sleep, particularly since we'll be sharing a room, but again rock star! She went down at 7:30 with no issue. At 3:30 she woke up crying. When I grabbed her she was standing there in the pack n play. I took her out and snuggled in bed. She fell asleep on me then transferred to the mattress no problem. For the first time ever CE slept in bed with us, and she's still sleeping as I write this post!!! Tired girl :-)

So excited for the next 6 days. Now lets hope the weather prediction is inaccurate and the next two days won't be rainy! Not looking good....oh well, we're in Hawaii!

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